Within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (hereinafter “KVKK”), which entered into force on April 7, 2016;
In the personnel contracts to be made, your personal data that we have requested or shared with us can be recorded, stored, preserved, rearranged, shared with institutions that are legally authorized to request this personal data, and may be transferred to domestic or foreign third parties under the conditions stipulated by the KVKK, your personal data may be destroyed, deleted or destroyed by anonymization if the conditions written in the "KVKK and Destruction Policy" are fulfilled, and this policy-clarification text may be updated from time to time in order to comply with the changing conditions and legislation; In case of an update, We hereby inform you that the updated Policy form will be published on our website at
Your personal data and explanations that can be processed in the recruitment and subsequent business processes as an employee are as follows;
1. Identity Information Name-surname, all identification information, nationality, marital status, place and date of birth, T.R. identity number, gender, signature information, SGK number
2. Contact Information Telephone number, backup person telephone information to reach in case of emergency, address information, e-mail address
3. Educational Information Educational status, certificate course and seminar information, foreign language knowledge, training and performance information during his working life, diploma information, curriculum vitae
4. Financial Information Financial and salary details, premium list, enforcement proceedings and debt information, bank information, minimum living allowance information,
5. Visual Data Photograph, camera recording images
6. Audio Data Audio recordings
7. Special Categories of Personal Data, Disability status, health reports, health declaration document, health reports, pregnancy information, occupational disease records, employment examination form, daily patient complaints, chest X-ray, hearing test, eye examination, blood group information, criminal record, The religion information section in the identity card (old), the blood group section in the driver's license. (Special categories of personal data are not processed without express consent.)
8. Work Data Registry number, position name, department and unit, title, last employment date, entry and exit dates, insurance entry/retirement, social security number, flexible hours working status, travel status, number of working days, projects worked, monthly total overtime information, severance pay base date, severance pay additional days, days on strike, employee internet access logs, entry and exit logs (fingerprint, eye scan)
9. Leave (Vacation) Data, leave seniority base date, leave seniority additional days, leave group, departure/return date, day, reason for leave, address/phone to be taken on leave
10. Other Military status, family information
Ensuring company and customer security
To be able to decide on the employment of candidates and especially; Researching, observing and recording the experiences, educational status and competencies of the person during job interviews;
Determination of the availability of the education, qualifications and skills of the employee candidate to be employed in accordance with the business conditions of the relevant department to which he/she will be assigned.
Examining the candidate's public information to identify specific risks in terms of certain job-related functions,
In order to ensure the administration of the Company and to carry out its activities; Training and performance evaluations of employees,
Data processing activities in line with the internal and external benefits of the employees (eg personal rights, service, private pension, private health insurance, etc.)
Execution of financial processes (salary, bonus, etc.)
Domestic and international training, assignment, inspection, etc. job requirements
In a way that is not contrary to the law, fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals and personal interests; It is recorded for the purposes of use in line with the legitimate interests of the company.
The recorded Personal Data will be kept in accordance with the law and will be kept for the maximum period specified in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose for which they are processed, and possibly for the legal statute of limitations. Your data will be destroyed by our Company when these specified periods expire.
The recorded Personal Data will be kept in accordance with the law and will be kept for the maximum period specified in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose for which they are processed, and possibly for the legal statute of limitations. Your data will be destroyed by our Company when these specified periods expire.
Your personal data for your security and for our Company to fulfill its obligations under the law; Labor Law, Occupational Health and Safety Law, Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law, Law on the Regulation of Publications Made on the Internet and Fighting Against Crimes Committed Through These Publications, Turkish Commercial Code, Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, Identity Reporting Law and Relevant institutions or organizations to the extent permitted and required by the provisions of other legislation, including but not limited to; It can be shared with public legal entities such as the Personal Data Protection Authority, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Customs and Trade, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the Turkish Employment Agency (İş-Kur), the Information Technologies and Communications Authority, our domestic and foreign business partners, and our lawyers.
To learn whether your personal data is processed by us and to request information,
To ask the purpose of processing your personal data and to learn whether it is used for the purpose in accordance with the KVKK law,
To learn whether your personal data is transferred domestically and abroad, and if so, to whom it is transferred,
You have the right to correct and transfer your personal data in cases where it is inaccurate or incomplete.
Moreover; You can request the destruction (deletion and destruction) of your personal data under appropriate conditions in accordance with and pursuant to Article 7 of the KVKK, and you can request the destruction (deletion and destruction) from the parties to which the transfer is made.
Pursuant to Article 28 of the KVKK Law, personal data owners will not be able to assert their rights in the following matters;
Processing personal data for purposes such as research, planning and statistics by anonymizing with official statistics
Processing personal data for art, history, literature or scientific purposes or within the scope of freedom of expression, provided that it does not violate national defense, national security, public security, public order, economic security, privacy of private life or personal rights or does not constitute a crime
Processing of personal data within the scope of preventive, protective and intelligence activities carried out by public institutions and organizations authorized by law to ensure national defense, national security, public safety, public order and economic security.
Processing of personal data by judicial authorities or execution authorities in relation to investigation, prosecution, trial or execution proceedings.
Pursuant to article 28/2 of the KVKK Law; In the cases listed below, personal data owners will not be able to assert their rights, with the exception of demanding the compensation of the damage.
Personal data processing is necessary for the prevention of crime or for criminal investigation,
Processing of personal data made public by the personal data owner himself,
Personal data processing is necessary for the execution of supervisory or regulation duties and for disciplinary investigation and prosecution by authorized and authorized public institutions and organizations and professional organizations in the nature of public institutions, based on the authority given by the law,
The processing of personal data is necessary for the protection of the economic and financial interests of the state with regard to budgetary, tax and financial matters.
If you suffer damage due to the fact that your personal data has been processed in violation of the KVKK, you can request the reimbursement of the damage. Regarding the processing of your personal data, you must make your application in writing to the addresses of our Company stated below. Our company will conclude the relevant request free of charge within thirty days at the latest, depending on the eligibility and nature of the request. If the response process incurs additional costs, a fee may be charged in the amounts determined within the framework of the relevant legislation. In order to execute the rights you have, you have to first apply to the data controller (to us). Unless this method is performed, no complaints can be made to the Personal Data Protection Board in accordance with the aforementioned Law.
Altıntar Tarım A.Ş.
Adres: OSB 2. Kısım 26. Cadde No:6 Döşemealtı/ANTALYA
Telefon:0242 321 11 30
Fax:0242 321 26 74